New Product Release

ImmunoHistoProbe® Mouse on Mouse Polymer IHC Detection System

Mice have been widely used in biotechnology and medical research for over a century, particularly in the production of monoclonal primary antibodies. However, researchers studying cancer and pathology often struggle to stain mouse primary antibodies on mouse tissue due to limited options of primary antibodies other than mouse-originated. The main issue is that anti-mouse secondary antibodies cannot distinguish between endogenous mouse immunoglobulins and mouse primary antibodies when using the indirect method, leading to high background staining that obscures specific staining. This problem varies depending on the tissue type and the sample, making it challenging for researchers. Although there are commercially available IHC detection kits, their results are not always satisfactory.

To address this challenge, Advanced Biosystems developed the ImmunoHistoProbe® Mouse on Mouse Polymer IHC Detection Kit (Cat No. 3851-07). The kit uses patented technology (pending approval) to eliminate background interference. The detection reagent only binds to primary antibodies and not to endogenous immunoglobulins, thus completely avoiding background caused by endogenous IgG without the need for blocking reagents. Additionally, the system is biotin-free, eliminating endogenous biotin background in biotin-rich tissues. By using the ImmunoHistoProbe® Mouse on Mouse Polymer Detection Kit, researchers can expect superior signal-to-noise ratio compared to other kits on the market.

Product features:

  • Clean BackgroundExclusively Bind to Mouse Primary Antibodies, No Cross-reactivity to Endogenous Immunoglobulins, Non-biotin System
  • Easy to Use – No Fab Blocking Needed
  • Innovation Patent Technology (Pending Approval) – Specially Developed for FFPE Sections
ImmunoHistoProbe® Mouse on Mouse Polymer Detection System (Cat No. 3851-07) has superior signal: noise ratio

Background is not observed when use ImmunoHistoProbe® mouse on mouse polymer HRP detection system (picture D). Archival formalin-fixed paraffin embedded mouse tissue sections were deparaffinized in xylene with 2 changes for 5 minutes each. Rehydrate through graded alcohol (100%, 95% and 70%). 1mM EDTA pH9.0 HIER 15’. Detection reagent was incubated @RT for 15min. DAB Chromogen. Hematoxylin counter staining. Serial tissue sections were used in order to compare side by side. 

A. 40ug/ml Fab blocking 30’. No primary antibody was added. HRP Polymer Goat anti-Mouse IgG (RTU), RT, 15 min.  

B. 40ug/ml Fab blocking 30’. Mouse anti-Smooth Muscle Actin (1:10000), RT, 1 hr. HRP Polymer Goat anti-Mouse IgG (RTU), RT, 15 min. 

C. No blocking. No primary antibody was added. HRP Polymer for Mouse on Mouse, Cat No. 3851-07, RT, 15 min

D. No blocking. Mouse anti-Smooth Muscle Actin (1:10000). HRP Polymer for Mouse on Mouse, Cat No. 3851-07, RT, 15 min